On Friday night, some suspected cultists reportedly assassinated Fatai Kehinde, a 48-year-old PoS operator, under the Kuto bridge in Abeokuta. Faithy, a PoS operator and the son of the Baale of Kuto Community in Abeokuta, was claimed to have been slain by thugs who chased him from his shop within Kuto Market to the underbridge. The crime is alleged to have followed the murder of another young man, a barber, near Isale Oja Kuto some four days earlier. Our correspondent determined that the victims were most likely slain by the same cult rival group because the perpetrators used the same vehicle that the barber’s killers did on Friday.
Faithy was reportedly buried on Saturday at about 2 pm
Speaking with our correspondent on Saturday, a reliable source within the Kuto community said, “The killing happened last night at about 11 pm.
“He is popularly called Faithy, he is the son of Baale of Kuto. He operates a POS shop and was about to close for the day when his killers drove to his shop. “
The source added, “One of them was said to have pretended to be a customer that wanted to withdraw money, about three other guys who wore masks then came out and shot at their target.
“However, the shot was said not to have penetrated and so he tried to escape by taking to his heels but his assailants caught up with him under Kuto bridge and butchered him to death.
“It’s possible that the assailants who killed Faithy were the same gang who murdered the barber at Isale Oja Kuto about four days ago because we gathered that the assailants used the same jeep vehicle for their dastardly act”.
The Commissioner of Police, Abiodun Alamutu, also confirmed the sad development on Saturday.
The CP said, “The command is aware of the two incidents and efforts are ongoing to apprehend those behind the killings”.